Tuesday, August 24, 2010


As you know today is Raakhi,....This is to write about my different experiences about Raakhi festival till now.

First  Raakhi festival was in 1992' . For me then dint know what 's it all about? Mom asked me to buy raakhi and tie to my bro. Mom gave me 1 rupee. I went and brougt two raakhi's of 25 paise each. I used to be big time kunjoos.. By the way I brought two cos 1 for my brother and 1 for my doggie.
 Mom saw that and she asked how much I paid it , I said 25 paise each.She asked me why. I said one for Kiran and 1 for my doggie Blacky.She scolded me telling your bro will take care of you when you are in trouble. He wil always help you and guide you should tie him.I said rather than my bro my doggie will guard me well. Its like that mom says something I never accept it without arguement..Be it about her family or anything .We will have arguements.

After that had series of people whom I tied rakhi, anil anna, babu anna, vinay , kiran , Shreyu and Rasagnya,
Shreyu and Rasagnya I never used to miss but from last 3 years I am not able to visit them . Rasagnya is now in US with his Studies and Shreyu MBBS and he comes very late and I cant go to HSR layout at that time..Aunt will ask me to stay back.

The year 2004, It was about 11 months me joining Infy..I got moved from Linksys Tech Support to Mortgage team Fairbank(SPS ).I took hell lot of raakhis that day to office..Sudeep, Bob, Rana, Chucks, Tarun, karthik,saketh,Jammy, Kashif,Vinayak and Shashi.Shashi was on leave that day. I went to each ones cubicle and tied them Rakhi..The more fuss was created by Maamu..

Top: Sudeep, Jammy Sarika, Kumu,Kashif, Bob    Sitting:Anindya Taruna myself Noby Sampu

All other girls were laughing at me.Maamu was like No other than Tanuj and Thanmay I dnt allow anyone to tie Raakhi..I was like Please bhai Please bhai...I tied him finally after two hours of pleading..Now also my team mates call me as SISTER of payoffs.. and Few say U did a mistake by tieing raakhi if not we would be married now.hehehe they are just kidding.They really dont mean it..

Other than them I had already few brothers at Infy Sajesh Chetta, Saru, Ananda, Shashikumar TR, Raman, Hariprasad.HariSubramaniam, Aman,,Hariprasad was my guide, He was always like get into network field and he advised so much...

Next year was even more brothers were added Noby Martin Sampath Kiran Manu etc etc....Richard..

All my team girls challenged me once to tie rakhi to Chucks my manager..It was friday also , walking down from casa to building number 26 I met chucks..I just said Chucks I wanna tie Rakhi...Chucks said
" le Baandh" Hehe my team girls were wonderstruck cos I did wat was challenged..We were pestering other two girls to tie raakhi.

Almost till 2006 Hari used to come near Infyr everyyear on rakhi festival and  I used to tie him..

Last year what happened was, I was ready with raakhi to tie it to my bro, but early morning he fought with me and I said "get lost " I wont tie you and I dint tie.

I bought Rakhi yesterday , but morning I was late in taking bath so bro left early. Evening when he came I was ready to tie . He freshened up and sat . I did aarthi and tilak and he immediately he took raaki in his hand and said show me "ma I will tie it your hand and you bless me..I need your protection and guard rather than you need mine." We all started laughing .....I tied him and took blessings from him.

One more thing silly but yet strictly  followed whom ever I tie Raakhi my rakhi should be first..:)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nenapinangaladinda: St Johns me and dad

Nenapinangaladinda: St Johns me and dad: "Today morning I went to St Johns hospital to visit my friend.I hate going to hospitals and scared of injections .The word hospital itself ma..."

Relationships and pain.....

any a time I have questioned myself why do relationships hurt, be it a family , friends or love and few undefined relationships."Man is a knot into which relationships are tied"

Below mentioned lines from my diary always put ,me into deep thoughts.

"There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best."

I am a carefree person who damn care if anybody left me and went and I don't  give  a sigh . I would say they lose a best person in the world(Am quite headstrong huh Dont 't mind;)) .

Yeah its true, I just think if people try ignoring me I also neglect them.But its not the same with all Why is it?
For very few people I would turn back again and say a Hi again even after they leave me.Its for my family , and a few friends.Might be couple of them, who receive my attention.I don't wanna lose them.I don't care my ego self respect for them ,Shilpa , Loch , Najju and few more...I cant just don't go away from them and if any fight happens also I know I wouldn't let them go anytime.Now I am equally disturbed ad to losing some one who really means something to me just like my other friends.Sometimes feel I am disturbing and wanna leave everything as it is , but the void space in me keeps on taunting m, Its worthy to let it go off.Is the relationships worth more or the person who is lucky that I dont wanna lose them .Its my ego which says the persons is lucky but I know myself its the relationship worthy more than anything in the world.

But why dont people understand or is that they are confused souls , or is they look for profit in all relationship or the outcomes of any relationships.Why dont they understand whats the use in telling"I am sorry " and "I love you " when the other is in Coffin or almost telling GOOD BYE from heart .."Present your family and friends with their eulogies now - they won't be able to hear how much you love them and appreciate them from inside the coffin. "

I always speak my heart away .

Be it the worst also.I Confide with few people and Confess to whom I have done wrong. But Why it happens always the things and people I love the most hate me or go away from me .I haven't hurt anyone to that extent until they have but still ...Do I deserve negligence from people whom I love the most.....Be it my family or my friends..................

I am a person with big time attitude......Headstrong Egositic....but if am wrong I accept my mistake be it worst also....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Me and PETS

Every Tuesdays when I accompany mom to Banashankari temple used to feel tired to travel in that 7 'D' bus till Banashankari temple.After that to light lamps in Rahukalam had to move in that Long queue was a night mare to me.But one relaxing idea in this whole trip was the WELL in the temple premises which had two turtles in it.Me and Bro always used to peep into the well to watch those turtles swimming.

From here my journey of getting fascinated with any animal I see started.After this my garden had earthworms, Ants very cute birds which visit my garden early morning and with those colorful butterflies.Till date I dont mind running behind those colorful butterflies to watch them but I dont catch them :) .Gypsy , Silky the huge dogs in my best friends house were my friends .After they passed away it was Ravi a white Pom which they got.I dont know why he dint like and always used to bark at me. Except him no other dog has barked at me .

July 11 th 1992 a black toddler Pom , he was just a month old came to my house.Very scared he was to see us all at a new place. I took him on my lap and started caressing him.He was my sweet sweet blacky and for my parents TIPPU. I was then in 5th Std.I loved him a lot and so my family also.My dad at first sight dint like him as he was black .But I told dad I need him.Dad agreed..the first two nights was hectic with blacky feeling insecured in dark and he wanted all of us around and he had destroyed the little home we had prepared for him.Finally I took him on my bed cuddled him beside me.He dint like it .He went to the other side of the bed and made my ankles as pillow and slept.So that became his permanent Sleeping home.

Bro trained him well and we all played with him.While playing one day on terrace with him , by mistake his teeth got into my ankles.I was scared to tell at home.So took a bit spirit and wipe on that hurt,but forgot to throw the cotton and it became the proof and was on the table.Dad came home and he saw that and asked bro and me,We both denied it. Then finally dad got angry and I sensed it and accepted it a small hurt while playing with blacky. I was scared my parents will hold blacky reason and send him away .I dint wanted that to happen. I was always an introvert and very few people know me completely and I dont trust anyone so easily.But if I trust and like someone then would be ready to do anything to them.

My Blacky was one such thing in my life whom I never wanted to lose.Dad finally agreed that he wont send him away and my injection series around my naval started and no fried items. I love Bajji that too chilli bajji is my favourite.My family prepared this and ate after I slept off. Next day when I woke up I knew they had prepared and started crying for it and I held blacky responsible for me.he with his cute grey adorable eyes was looking at me innocently when I was scolding him.I felt so bad.I took him in my lap and hugged him .

One day it was tuesday and mom as usual had been to temple and I came home at 4:30PM.I get the key from my neighbour and open the gate . Wonderstruck blacky is outside the house in the shelf that is attached to Room's Windows.He is sitting there and making wierd noises boowmmmmmmmmmmm wowmmmmmmmmm.......So helpless he was feeling as the cute little one was scared to jump down..