Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chennai -Visa INTERVIEW.

Everybody has favourites in their life.Same here, I have fav song, fav movie, fav genre, fav place and also the deadly opposite most hating place. CHENNAI.

If one place I hate in this world the most its one and only Chennai.Its got nothing to do with people of my acquaintance there but my personal exp which happened in Chennai..The most disastrous yet memorable events took place there.

It all started in the month of April , My Senior process manager wanted all supervisors who were handling teams to apply for VISA.So all of us had to get docs ready and apply. I informed my friend that night who was then in US , and then after reaching home to my parents. Mom started off you going alone so farrrr..No chance , first marriage and then you can go anywhere. I replied , mom , first I need to get VISA approved only then if there is such incidence I will be sent.
Things calmed up at home after the discussion.

From next day started up with collection of necessary docs for applying and me SMITHA(SMIKOO) applied together.So we got the same date scheduled Jun 2nd 2006.

The Day came when we had to travel to Chennai , Jun 1st 2006, the same day was my best friends wedding another fickle minded person as I call him always..Me and Smitha got our room booked in the Grand Orient Hotel .

Me and smikoo had to go towers office to collect our DD and Ticket.
I was excited not that I am going to chennai or for VISA, but this was my first train travel henceforth I was excited that too shatabdhi,,, At 3:30 we got our tickets which was not confirmed yet , then on way met my friend and then back home.. Dad mom accompanied me to Railway Station and then bro joined up there. Smitha arrived 5 min late. I met my tuition sir (also the person whom I worked as assistant in taking tuitions during college days).He was also in same train , and also visiting Chennai for the same purpose as mine.

Bro helped in getting our seats confirmed.. and here we started out journey..It was A good feeling traveling in train but as all windows wll be closed.... We reached Chennai at 9:30 PM I guess.We hired a Taxi from The railway station to the hotel and on the way recharged my TN mobile number given by my friend who is from TN.

We reached hotel and got fresh, and then started preparing our docs. Called home and Called all my friends to say I reached safely. Me and Smikoo were talking...Sari Called , I said butterflies in my stomach as I was restless scared ... first time staying away just me and one more girl......She sang a song for me to cool me down..U know something all my friends pamper me so much ...I ask them anytime to sing they would sing..Then Santhosh called around 12, he also sang songs to calm me down....am one spoilt brat, adamant ..stubborn...until in SPS bangalore my world was different, at one place I was handling a responsible role but at the same time very childish .....Thanks to Sari and santhosh who never denied my requests though tired they always sang songs for me...Listening to songs when I closed my dont know, Sandy called again as he dint know I had slept , I said GN and slept off....

Next morning got ready and left hotel at 9:15 after breakfast.. We took a RICK to Embassy , Reached there in less than 5 min... He charged 50 rupees...so started a bad day for us..

We saw the queue which seemed like never ending , If u had been there u cud have seen us in all possible postures standing, sitting, resting ,on one another.....

At 12:30 PM an American came out and called al the 9:30 Scheduled people in.. We were again pushed back so finally we went in at 2:00PM .Again I met Shamanna Sir there just before my interview and he wished me All the Best.. We were questioned for 5 minutes and informed as we had our VISA approved..Then a BIG SHOCK was awaiting .. Our DD's were expiring on MOnday June 5th and we need to produce a NEW DD.

We soon went to the nearby bank and got out DD done..and came back and produced it. So our cash was completely NIL just 50 Rs in hands of each of us.We reached our Hotel at 3:30PM . with nO food there also and dint find any good hotels nearby also ..Starving from hunger and also Tired...Ufffffffffffffffffff came in front of the room tried opening the room door..Punch card dint work at all and Ooppps Door not opening....CHENNAI CHENNAI....felt like yelling...Finally gave a Hard KICK on the door ..MIRACLE!!! it opened ...WOW KICK works out .. but finally got neighbours out peeping ..Felt Embarassed but dint care abt it..Just walked in fell on the Bed..

Called Mom and informed and also Bro, me and Smikooo both were tired of CHENNAI thought of cancelling our sunday ticket and going back the same day to Namma Bengalooru ..Called up Railways to cancel and rebook our tickets for same night but no seats available....called up Bus Service to fnd if any buses are there for the same day they said one is there at 4:30PM and we need to reach in half an hour... We just kept the phone.. I called up my friends and said deciding to come back same day Tarun Rachel Sari Sudeep all said ya better come soon..Called up Santhosh informed Abt VISA approval , He wished congrats and then when I said I wanna come back as I dnt have a Pie extra then 50 Rs he said "R u Mad"?Just enjoy Chill over there..I said What to Chill in this heat..He said He will ask his friends to drop in money to the place I stay In the evening. Thanks a lot Santhosh and his friend who dropped in Money for us 2000 Bucks.....

When Sandy's friends came , we were in Spencers which we had traversed by walk .... and had idli there...and did some window shopping..

At 7:30 PM Madhavi came to the hotel and we packed and checked out from the hotel.. Here we took a rick went to Egmore from there Local train to Thambaram... We had enough seats to sit but still me and Mads near the door just remembered Saathiya movie where they look at each in moving train and I was teasing Mads , as to Everyday how many get swept of their feets.......

We reached her place from Railway station by RICK he charged 75 Rupees for 10 minutes drive....uffffffffffff tired dead tired with these auto guys. We reached home , just then power cut.It had slightly drizzling also me and mads sat oustide and spoke of all three years missng....While smikoo went to take CANDLE LIGHT BATH..Just when she came out Power was back ....WOW...felt like heaven when power was back .....AC and Fan .....

We slept after dinner at 12:30 ..next morning we woke up late at 11:45 AM..found Mads already had left to office and she had left us guidelines to reach T nagar. Aunty was preparing pickle , me and smikoo got the recipes cos its quite different then south Indian pickles.

Aunty was weaving a sweater we learnt a bit of that also , finally went to get ready had lunch . We forced aunty also to come along with us as she was alone..Aunty was all the time complaining mads goes to work even on saturdays also. We reached T nagar at 5:Pm seeing the crowd there remembered the GIRI MALLIKA( PEOPLE go around the Thiruvannamalai hills every full moon in the night , it will be so crowded , u need to walk u wil swim in the crowd as the crowd pushes u forward.....) same thing in T nagar as soon as u come out of the railway station..

We had DOSA in near by hotel and went to shopping .. Went to Chennai Silks asked him to show some sarees...He started off with jingle bells sareers( I call the worked sarees with all the jingles on it , I dont like it . I particularly like simple sarees , Kanchi sarees and Mysore Silk) .He then said he has Mysore Silk Sarees for 1000 Rupees..I was wonderstruck ..Mysore Silk just for 1000Rs.. When I saw that I very soon knew its not Mysore Silk Its Crape......Pure Mysore Silk would cost not less than 2,500 rupees 3000Rupees this is least now tho its more than 9000Rupess minimum... Finally brought a dress for maddy as it was just 3 days after her birthday....

Then we were again in train on our way to beach all the while I was waitng for .....we reached Beach Station at 7:45PM . we took a rick to beach just to find all the entrance for beach were closed for vehicles .. we had to walk some distance.Had Bajji at the beach played 10 minutes and again back to station by 9:00 PM . We reached Thambaram at 10:30 PM I believe.As soon as we stepped of the station it started raining Cats & Dogs..uffff one more incident here just to prove how unlucky was our travel to chennai....We asked auto guys to drop us at PADMAVATHY Nagar and they were lke charging 200 and 175..finally agreed at 150 and we reached at 10:50 home...We put all our wet clothhes on fan and eveywhere to dry for our next day travel.. We had rice with pickles only as we dnt want to trouble aunty as she was also tired .I massaged her leg as it was paining badly and she went to sleep..We got our beds ready in the hall watching movie . we three girls had our night out , talking and taking snaps till 3:00AM . Smi slept at 3:00AM .Mads and me continued our talks...me teasing her of every possible thing...

Finally closed eyes at 4:00AM and woke up at 4:30 AM got ready in half an hour and the auto guy who dropped us previous night was waitng for us at the door at 5:35AM. we trio got into the rick and reached Thambaram at 5:50Am. We took the local train and then finally reached Central with Mads help..me and smi were praying no more shocks in our journey we were tired of Chennai ..and the travel .. we were not ready for any more wierd things ...Thanks to Mads for helping us ..... We said Good Bye to Mads and to Chennai ... GOOD RIDDANCE might be CHENNAI CITY thought HAHAHA...Finally we both settled in train tired sleepy adn we reached blore at 1:30 PM in the afternoon ..Once we reached we felt the fresh air and a new energy in us to face any challenge..Our dear own Bengalooru ....Finally ....

Thanks a lot to who helped us ...
namaka tappani nijamaina noovika ravani chebootoonaendookoo vinado na madi ipoodainayevaroo edoorooga vastoona noovemo anookoontoonanee roopam na choopoola nodilenaendarito kalisoona nenontarigane oonanoovodilina ee ekantam lonakanooloo teriche oona noovoo ninati kalave ayinaippatiki a kalalo ne voona